In the scope of the activities of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions the 4th Summer School on the subject “Right to Respect for Private and Family Life” was organized by the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Turkey between 2 – 9 October 2016 in Ankara.
At the 2nd Board of Members Meeting of the Association held in 2014 in Istanbul it was unanimously decided the Summer School on Constitutional Law to be held every year in Turkey by our Court. Moreover, it was decided during the 3rd Board of Members Meeting in Bali, Indonesia in 2016, that a Permanent Secretariat of the AACC be established, and that a Center for Training and Human Resources Development, which is one of the three branches of this Secretariat, be formed and become operational in Turkey. According to this the 4th Summer School was organized in the framework of that center.
Justices, rapporteur judges, assistant judges, researchers, lawyers and advisors from the Constitutional Courts or Equivalent Institutions of Afghanistan, Algeria, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Malaysia, Mongolia, Moldova, Myanmar, Russia, Tajikistan and Turkey attended the activities of the 4th Summer School.
The 4th Summer School Program started with the opening address by Burhan ÜSTÜN, Vice President of the Turkish Constitutional Court, at the Grand Hall of the Court. After the opening address, the participants visited the Court building and had their lunch at the Court restaurant and were then transferred to the hotel for the subsequent academic sessions of the program in the afternoon. In the evening the Turkish Constitutional Court gave a dinner in honor of the guests.
The working language of the Summer School Program was English and the participants presented the legal situations in their countries and precedent judgments of their Courts on “Right to Respect for Private and Family Life”. The participants had the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience through the discussions and question & answer sessions.
Social activities as the bowling tournament etc. throughout the program have contributed to the development of the friendship and dialogue among the members of the Association. Our guests had the chance to enjoy historical, cultural and natural beauties of Istanbul during the social program held between 7 – 9 October 2016.
The 4th Summer School Program ended with the General Assessment Session and Certificate Ceremony on Thursday, 6 October 2016.