Paylaş | 09 September 2024

The Meeting of the Secretaries General of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) was convened via video conference on 5 September 2024.

The session commenced with opening remarks from the term President of the AACC, Nakharin Mektrairat, President of the Constitutional Court of the Kingdom of Thailand. Fifteen representatives from member institutions attended, including the Turkish Constitutional Court, which was represented by Secretary General Mr. Murat Azaklı and Deputy Secretary General Mr. Mücahit Aydın.

Key discussions focused on strengthening cooperation between the AACC and other international organizations, including the Conference of African Constitutional Courts (CJCA), The Conference of European Constitutional Courts (CECC), and the Eurasian Association of Constitutional Review Bodies (EACRB). Financial statements and matters pertaining to the AACC were also addressed. The Constitutional Court of Thailand presented the annual activity report for the term presidency, and deliberations were held on the upcoming VI Congress, the Bangkok Declaration, and the future term presidency of the AACC.

During the meeting where the activities carried out by the AACC as well as the opinions and suggestions for its reinforcement and flourishing were also addressed, the stakeholders exchanged information on the works and activities of the Permanent Secretariat. In this regard, Secretary General of the Turkish Constitutional Court Mr. Murat Azaklı mentioned the annual summer school programmes that the Constitutional Court has been organising, in its capacity as the Center for Training and Human Resources Development (CTHRD) since 2013 for the AACC representatives. Reiterating the Turkish Constitutional Court’s willingness to contribute to all activities and events held within the framework of the AACC, Mr. Azaklı expressed his sincere belief that this support and collaboration will increasingly continue in the future.